Our Products

Century Tech

Century is the intelligent intervention tool that helps you identify learning roadblocks, enabling every student in your school to succeed. It combines artificial intelligence with the latest research in learning science and neuroscience to create constantly adapting personalized pathways for every student and powerful intervention data for teachers. Century helps teachers make intelligent interventions through independent learning, data assessment, and homework and classwork activities. It covers Language, Math, and Science from Grade 2 to Grade 10.


LIFEPAC’s tried-and-true worktexts divide a full year of curriculum into 10 small booklets. The flexible lessons feature a student-friendly design that helps children in grades K-12 master academic concepts at their own pace. This print-based curriculum combines textbook and workbook lessons into “worktext” units that promote critical thinking skills and independent study, while helping students master concepts. In a continued commitment to providing schools with the highest quality of educational resources, AOP has redesigned over 60 LIFEPAC courses in recent years so that every course has its most age-appropriate design yet!


AOP is a versatile learning management system with dynamic lessons and interactive features designed to serve teachers and students. Discover a variety of lesson formats created to engage and inspire every type of student to learn. Every lesson, whether digital or print, is hand-crafted with precision to amplify student engagement while holding true to a proven, successful pedagogy.

Science Around Us

One of StarPub's core materials, Science Around Us explores a different approach to learning about complex concepts. It utilizes intentional observation and analysis of how Science works in our day to day lives.

Targeting Mathematics

Targeting Mathematics is developed in accordance with the primary mathematics syllabus, implemented by the Ministry of Education, Singapore (MOE) in 2013, using the Readiness, Engagement and Mastery (REM) model. It is centred on the use of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach to develop and enhance pupils’ learning of mathematical concepts by referencing many aspects of their everyday experiences with mathematical concepts, processes and applications.

Discovering Additional Mathematics

The Discovering Additional Mathematics 2nd Edition series has been carefully designed to encourage students to learn mathematics effectively and independently. It generates interest in mathematics by relating mathematical concepts to their applications in real-life, and presents a variety of approaches to enable students to engage fully with the material and to provide them with a broader and deeper understanding of mathematics.